Writing Your Book

computer-313841_1280Let’s be honest.
Writing can be a lonely and sometimes frustrating endeavor.  Writers sometimes need to share what they’ve done or get some kind of response. Writing groups can be helpful, but you need to find the right group. For many writers, a coach or an editor can help.
Have you had any of these experiences?
  • Been stuck and become a master procrastinator
  • Began editing instead of continuing to write the draft
  • Struggled to get published
  • Wanted to or burned your writing
  • Written a book but couldn’t sell it

These are a few of the types of circumstances in which a writing coach might be of great assistance. I have worked with authors to get them over the hump and ready to e-publish. Can I help you?

Helping You Complete Your Book

Here are the tools that might help:
  1. Coaching to bring your book to your audience
  2. Publishing to put your masterpiece into Amazon.com and other platforms
  3. Marketing so your work is visible and others want to buy it

Need That Nudge?

I offer coaching packages for different types of writers. Check out the offerings for those who write as a hobby when they can, Writing on the Side, those who schedule writing as part of their work, Steady and Reliable writers, and those who have made a commitment to focus on their writing, the Hold Your Feet to the Fire option.


Group Coaching

Beginning soon I will be conducting group classes in July or August. See my coaching packages.